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Dear customers,


Recently several cases of purchasing fake products by customers and quality complaints accordingly have been spotted. Using fake SIMATIC products in the configuration caused significant loss for end users and also damaged good reputation of SIMATIC among our customers.

为了杜绝此类事件的发生,我们呼吁广大客户要审核购买渠道的资质,到正规的西门子签约分销商购买产品,在如下IA&DT 官方网站上输入授权证书编码可以验证该分销商是否为正式签约伙伴。

For stopping such cases, we make a ringing appeal that all the customers should check the credentials and ability of purchasing channel and purchase SIMATIC products from Siemens official distributors. Please input the warranty certificate code on to verify the distributor identity.


Herein, we promise our customers,


1) Customers have the right to require distributors to write out a paper commitment that all the products sold are produced by Siemens.


2) If we confirm that our official distributors are selling fake products, punishment will be conducted accordingly. We will instruct the distributor to replace the fake products immediately.

3)如用户怀疑所购产品可能为仿冒产品,可联系西门子当地的销售机构,拨打IA&DT 服务热线或写邮件给我们。

3) If customers doubt what you bought might be fake products, please contact Siemens local distribution organization, dial IA&DT service hotline or write us a e-mail.
400-810-4288 根据语音提示选择3 即进入技术支持
400-810-4288 Choose 3 to enter technical support
010-64719990 (未开通4008 业务的地区可拨打此号码)
010-64719990 (Dial this number for 4008 service unopened areas)


These fake products include,

Picture of a real and fake Profibus connector interior.

  • S7-200 的扩展模块 (S7-200 extension modules)
  • S7-300 的前连接器 (S7-300 front connectors)
  • Profibus 电缆及接头 (Profibus cables and connectors)
  • PC机的通讯板卡 (CPs for PC)


Your fully cooperation is essential for us to bring fake products under control. We expect that our customers can provide clues actively to totally stop the behaviors of producing and selling fake products. To protect the interest of our customers on the maximum level is our purpose. We will encourage and reward the customers who offer valuable clues.

最后,对广大客户对SIMATIC 产品多年的爱护和支持表示衷心的感谢!

Finally, I want to say thank you to all the customers for your great attention and support to SIMATIC products all along.

Yours sincerely,

Manfred Veltes            斐德思
General Manager       总经理
SLC I IA AS&SE BU    西门子(中国)有限公司 工业业务领域工业自动化集团

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