FY0910 2nd Siemens Industry Sector Top Partner Salon successfully held
In order to further strengthen the communication between Siemens Industry Sector management and top distributor partner management, Siemens held the "2nd Siemens Industry Sector Top Partner Salon " on June 11 and June 12 in Qingdao. General managers of totally 9 partners of IA division and DT division, 5 BT division partners attended this salon. Siemens IPSS management , BT management, BU leaders of IA division and DT division provided great support and close cooperation.
The salon meeting of June 12 began with the speech of Mr. Schmid, Head of Siemens IPSS. Focusing on "Economic Outlook and Distributor Business Reivew", Mr.Schmid discussed about macro economic environment in China and deeply analyzed future branch shift. Then, Mr.Schmid made estimation on the impact from these changes to China economy and industry market. Except for the macro economic outlook, Mr.Schmid also introduced new Industry China and IPSS organization, as well as reviewed IPSS distributor business performance. Mr.Schmid' s speech on performance review was focused on improving logistic capability, effective price control, Training Pass examination, and compliance. In the end, Mr.Schmid compared current Siemens business and distributor business in 3 divisions, also expected to have a booming fiscal year of distributor business!
Afterwards, Mr.Yang Xue Feng, GM of Siemens Industry Partner Management, gave his speech on IA, DT and BT distributor network review and analysis. Starting from analyzing industrial distribution market trend, Mr.Yang revealed current status and business model of different BU distributor networks. Based on this, Mr.Yang pointed out that distributor development needs to be differentiated according to product distribution essence. A new concept, "24 main office based zone distributor authorization", is presented and the basic purpose is to localize distributor business and encourage developing customers. In the end, Mr.Yang also introduced distributor management focus in FY1011, including optimizing distributor network, optimizing distributor incentive scheme, and strengthening market discipline, etc.
On this salon, as representatives, three GMs from partners made speech, introducing business operation in this fiscal year and showing expectation & recommendation to Siemens. Management of both sides held group discussions by different divisions and deeply discussed on core issues such as distributor certification in main office, distributor incentive scheme optimization, etc. Siemens management further understood the importance of distributor business and support needed. Distributor management also deeply learned about Siemens distributor policy and future strategic positioning.
One difference between this salon and last two lies on increase attendees of BT distributors, which also reflects one meaning of "Industry" top partner salon. IA&DT and BT distributor alignment will be a key focus in the next fiscal year ,focused on distributor Market Builder Program alignment with BT, agreement & process alignment, and partner summit alignment, etc. On this salon, both IA&DT and BT distributors learned each other' s business experience. This also helps Siemens better prepare for alignment project.
By this two-days top partner salon, both Siemens and partners exchanged market information and set up a good foundation for new fiscal year distributor policy and management measures adjustment. We are confident to achieve an outstanding FY0910 and continuous healthy distributor business development!